In late April 2023 I was invited to participate in a group exhibition on the island of Ibiza, in a historical location in the port of Sant Antoni de Portmonay, a project initiated by the Venezuelan/Hamburg artist Clemencia Labin. The similarity to her 13-year annual exhibition project in Maracaibo, Venezuela's second largest city, was not coincidental. Kicking off this new series, the focus of the works shown by a wide variety of artists in very different media was on the casual yet intense mobility of art and creative discourse in today's world. Art is constantly migrating and maybe it has a few useful stories to tell about changing perceptions, tolerance, open-minded exchange and the constructive energy of beauty.

   So I sent two photographs on a journey to Ibiza in my place answering another call for artistic congregation: nothing remains where it first came about, except the heart. But the heart always has its own movement, and as long as it continues beating we too need to keeping moving. The community of artists and the generosity of individuals make it possible for art to flow and connect. And I was warmly welcomed to this first edition of Entrancing – Entránsito, the brainchild of my friend Clemencia Labin, invited and so carefully transported to Ibiza by the Hamburg-based artists Swen Kählert and Arnaldo Drés González.

   Taken from my photographic series »Transparables« about in-between spaces, moments of transition or dislocation from one condition to another, the two images I dispatched are an invitation to look through and see past transparent divides and to observe other people, strangers to us, who are immersed in their own worlds, preoccupied with things we cannot see or know. Inspired by Walter Benjamin's seminal Arcades Project describing the perceptions of the flâneur of modern urban society, the pictures show unrooted moments as drifting spores, as if single frames taken from a sequence of film – without context, home or time scale. They are like parables of mobility and impermanence: in Segregation (160 x 120 cm) bathers during Paris Plages in a transient quiet idyll enveloped by the noisy swirl of the urban insanity of Paris; and in First Ferry (160 x 120 cm) a sole man somewhere in Hong Kong harbour calmly engrossed in thought as if suspended at the hub of a personal typhoon.

   The two images joined the assembly on Ibiza of the many other images, objects, installations and performances as an "entrancing" community of art – you enter, you are mesmerised – from so many different places, convened and briefly harboured in the very place of Walter Benjamin's last refuge before his tragic death in 1940. In transit, these things remind us of the inspiration and value of coming together in art.


I also include here several other images from my series of »Transparables«.